Monday, September 08, 2008

Teresa's 21 in house party on sat!

I had so much food both nites! baby p treated me to eat 'zi char' on fri nite!
ordered all our fav...when i was getting all excited to eat the crab's pincer (which p offered me the biggest piece), using all my might to crack the fat 8 legged's cheliped..the next moment i remembered was seeing the poor limb flying in the air..hit my face, then shoulder, then my lap and finally landed on the floor..FFuuck!! damn sad and angry wasted lah!!
P:" you have freaking 3 chances to catch the pincer and you didn't..jus let it drop on the floor!!!somemore i gave you the bigger one!!!damn angry lah!!!"
sorry baby p...I know you're damn angry..but im more pitiable rite?at least you get to eat the smaller part rite?......

ANW..fri was the worst day of sch so far...rushing thru our com projects......3 projects and we finished them in a day!! damn tiring la.all the ps-ing, editing and printing...but we 're so close to tutorial week. means...Holiday!! excited.. (pics fm peggy)

looking foward to the sun...the sea..and the songs...

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